Floodgate Setup

Floodgate-Spigot setup

  1. Download Floodgate-Spigot from the download page.
  2. Place the Floodgate-Spigot.jar in the plugins folder, and restart the server.
  3. Change auth-type in Geyser’s config to floodgate.
  4. Restart the server.

Floodgate-Fabric setup

  1. Download Floodgate-Fabric from the modrinth page.
  2. Place the Floodgate-Fabric.jar in the mods folder, and restart the server. You also need FabricAPI installed.
  3. Change auth-type in Geyser’s config to floodgate.
  4. Restart the server.

Note for Fabric behind a Velocity proxy: You will need to configure FabricProxyLite to allow the Fabric server to receive data from Velocity.

Floodgate setup on a BungeeCord/Velocity proxy

  1. Download Floodgate for your proxy software from the download page.
  2. Place the Floodgate jar in the plugins folder, and restart the proxy server.
  3. Change auth-type in Geyser’s config to floodgate.
  4. Restart the server.

Installing Floodgate on servers behind the proxy

This is only needed when you want to use the Floodgate API on your backend server(s) behind a proxy.

  1. After installing Floodgate on the proxy, install Floodgate on the backend servers (either Floodgate-Spigot, or Floodgate-Fabric).
  2. Enable ip_forward in your BungeeCord config.yml if using BungeeCord. For Velocity, set up player information forwarding.
  3. Set bungeecord to true in your spigot.yml. When using Velocity, see their guide, as they have multiple options that require different setups.
  4. Start the proxy server.
  5. Edit the Floodgate config on your proxy server and set send-floodgate-data to true.
  6. Copy the key.pem file in the proxy Floodgate config folder to all backend servers’ Floodgate config folder.
  7. Restart the backend servers and proxy server.

Floodgate setup with Geyser for ViaProxy

  1. Download and install the platform-specific Floodgate jar (e.g. floodgate-spigot, or floodgate-fabric) here. See the platform setup instructions for a detailed, platform specific setup guide. Then, continue with the instructions below.
  2. Copy the key.pem file in the Floodgate config folder to the `/plugins/Geyser/´ directory.
  3. Restart ViaProxy.

Floodgate setup with Geyser-Standalone

  1. Download and install the platform-specific Floodgate jar (e.g. floodgate-spigot, or floodgate-fabric) here. See the platform setup instructions for a detailed, platform specific setup guide. Then, continue with the instructions below.
  2. Change auth-type in Geyser Standalone’s config to floodgate.
  3. Copy the key.pem file in the Floodgate config folder to the same directory as Geyser Standalone.
  4. Restart Geyser-Standalone.

Further information: